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RealNex Knowledge Base

    Relicensing Realnex CRM (Desktop)


    Below you will see how to relicense your database when it is giving you a license is invalid message.



    This has to be done on machine that hosts the database.

    First, you will want to go into the database manager, you can find that by typing in "Database Manager" in the start menu of your computer. 

    Second, click on connect and make sure that the server name is the correct one you normally connect to. You will see the username SA (System Administrator) if the password field is not filled in, you will put in your SA password. If you do not know your SA password, you can connect to the Database Manager via Windows Authentication option.

    Third, once connected to the Database Manager, go to the Advanced tab and click on Reset DB Info and click yes.

    Then you will want to open up your CRM.




    Once opening CRM it will tell you that you do not have a valid license key, click on "Yes" and when the REALive window pops up, enter your credentials (account holder's e-mail and password)

    Click on orange arrow and then it will tell you that your license is valid. 

    Once that is complete, you have successfully relicensed your database. 

    After relicensing your desktop database, to make sure that the cloud database is re-activated again, you will want to run a live sync via the realnex livesync tool. The livesync tool can be found by going to the start menu on the host machine and typing in "livesync" when you see the blue icon click on it and it will initialize, when you see the tool open you will want to run it. After the livesync finishes your cloud database will be back up and running. 





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